The time has come again for us all to do a group charity to help needy one. As last year, moderator choosing local orphan for us to do some contribution.
This year, a humble request from our friend Syikeen Pfordten to do some money collections for a group of Tahfiz student somewhere in Sudan.
Attached flayer and video for us all to review.
Dikesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf segala salah & silap.
Dikesempatan ini juga saya ingin mewakili Persatuan PETRONITA Sudan untuk membantu sebilangan anak-anak di sini yang kebanyakannya anak yatim tetapi masih gigih mencari ilmu. (Sedikit penjelasan mengenai Madrasah seperti yang tertulis di bawah dan video yang disertakan).
Jika tuan/puan ingin menghulurkan bantuan buat mereka, tuan/puan bolehlah menyalurkannya ke dalam akaun Maybank saya dan saya akan serahkan kepada Puan Sharifah Najwa, Ketua Biro Kebajikan, PETRONITA Sudan.
Diharap tuan/puan dapat email kepada saya selepas transaksi dilakukan. Semoga jasa baik tuan/puan dapat mengurangkan bebanan dan membolehkan mereka belajar dengan lebih baik.
Terima kasih.
AKAUN NO : 162106993346
EMAIL ADDRESS : syikeen [at] gmail dot com
For your information, our main target groups are orphans, under-privileged children (displaced by war, affected by poverty and/or handicapped) and single mothers. We go to the field to survey their needs in order to optimise the utilisation of the donations received. Our donations are usually in kind handed directly to the recipient to avoid possibility of abuse.
So start digging those pockets for loose change/notes and bank-in directly to shikeen's account! Don't fotget to inform her of your donations. May our efforts to help the needy is accepted by Allah!